Common Questions About Bakersfield Bike Accidents

common questions about bakersfield bike accidents

Bicycle accidents happen every year on Bakersfield roads, causing serious and sometimes life-threatening injuries to cyclists. In the aftermath of these accidents, victims often have lots of questions about their options for compensation, deadlines for filing a claim, and what to do after a collision.

The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about Bakersfield bike accidents.

#1: Does California Car Insurance Pay for Cyclist Damages?

Like most states, California follows a fault insurance system. If a driver negligently causes a car accident, he or she is financially liable for any damages that the victim sustains. The state requires motorists to hold liability insurance to protect their interests in the event of a crash.

As a bicycle accident victim, you have the right to pursue an insurance claim if the policyholder caused your collision. You can pursue a claim under your own insurance in limited circumstances.

#2: What Are My Options for Compensation After a Bicycle Crash?

After a bicycle accident, you have three main options to recover a settlement.

  1. You can file a claim under the at-fault motorist’s insurance coverage.
  2. You can file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver in California civil court.
  3. You can file a claim under your own insurance coverage if you have the appropriate policies

A Bakersfield bicycle accident lawyer can identify which option is right for your case. Most bicycle injury claims begin in the insurance stage and escalate to a personal injury lawsuit if necessary.

#3: What Should I Do After a Bicycle Accident?

The moments after a bicycle accident can feel scary and overwhelming. In these cases, it is important to seek help as soon as possible by calling 911. Report the accident to the police and seek emergency medical care.

If possible, document as much evidence about the accident as you can. Take photographs and videos of the accident scene. Ask any witnesses for their names and contact information.

#4: What Types of Damages Can I Claim After a Bicycle Collision?

In California, you have the right to recover two types of damages in a bicycle accident claim. Economic damages involve your financial losses, while non-economic damages refer to the physical and emotional pain and suffering that you experienced.

Common damages in Bakersfield bicycle accident claims include the following.

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Disability accommodations
  • Emotional distress
  • Permanent disability
  • Loss of quality of life

#5: What Can I Do If Road Conditions Caused My Accident?

Many bicycle accidents occur due to dangerous road conditions, such as potholes, loose gravel, and poorly designed streets. If you were injured due to dangerous road conditions, you have the right to pursue a claim against the government agency responsible for maintaining that road.

Discuss Your Legal Options with a Bicycle Accident Lawyer

If you are injured in a Bakersfield bicycle accident, it is important to discuss your next steps with an attorney. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may be eligible for financial compensation through an insurance claim or lawsuit.

A Bakersfield bicycle accident lawyer can represent your case and advocate for your right to recovery. Contact an attorney as soon as possible after your accident to discuss your next steps.