How to Deal with Hip Pain After a Car Accident

Experiencing hip pain after a car accident can be both alarming and debilitating. Hip injuries can disrupt your daily life, causing symptoms such as an inability to get up, an inability to walk, and severe bruising and swelling. These effects can make even simple tasks challenging.

This type of pain may not only signify a serious injury but can also worsen if not addressed promptly. After a car accident, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately, especially if you notice hip pain. This ensures that any injuries are properly diagnosed and treated early, potentially preventing long-term complications.

How Can a Car Accident Lead to Hip Injuries?

Car accidents exert tremendous force on the body, especially during high-impact collisions. As one of the body’s largest weight-bearing joints, the hip joint is particularly vulnerable to injury in these situations.

During an accident, the hips can absorb significant shock from direct impacts, such as side collisions, or from the body being thrown against seat belts or dashboards. This trauma can result in a range of hip injuries, from fractures to dislocations, or soft tissue injuries like strains and sprains.

Common Types of Hip Injuries in Collisions

Hip injuries from car accidents vary in severity and type, impacting different parts of the hip and surrounding areas. Common injuries include:

  • Acetabular Fractures: These involve a break in the socket portion of the hip joint. Acetabular fractures are critical injuries that require immediate medical attention.
  • Bursitis: This painful condition involves inflammation of the bursae, which are small, fluid-filled sacs that cushion the hip joint. Symptoms often include swelling, tenderness, and restricted movement.
  • Hip Fractures and Dislocations: Broken hip injuries are serious and typically occur from direct impact. Dislocation may happen when the ball of the hip joint pops out of its socket.
  • Tendonitis: Often a result of overuse, tendonitis can also develop after the sudden stress of an accident. This condition affects the tendons connecting muscle to bone, causing pain and limiting movement.

Seeking Professional Treatment for Hip Pain

Treatment for hip injuries after a car accident depends on the specific injury and its severity. For example, severe injuries such as fractures or deep dislocations may require surgery to replace or reset the hip. Minor injuries may require rest and icing to reduce swelling or pain.

Physical therapy may be required to restore movement and strength in the affected area. To help manage symptoms such as pain and inflammation, doctors may prescribe a range of medications such as analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and corticosteroids.

Who Is Liable for a Hip Injury Caused by a Car Accident?

In California, if your accident was caused by another driver, you may be entitled to compensation for your hip injury. You can file an insurance claim or lawsuit against the at-fault driver to recover a settlement, which can pay for medical expenses, lost earnings, and other damages.

A Bakersfield car accident lawyer can help you navigate the claims process, prove the other driver’s liability, and recover the compensation that you deserve. If you or someone you know is dealing with hip pain following an accident, contact an attorney right away and take your first step toward recovery and justice.