What to Do if Your Uber Has Been in an Accident

Many Bakersfield residents rely on rideshare services such as Uber or Lyft to travel from place to place. While these services may seem safe and reliable, Uber and Lyft drivers are not exempt from accidents. If you are in a collision while riding in an Uber or Lyft, it is important to remain calm…

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What is the California Good Samaritan Law?

When you encounter an emergency situation, you may try to act as a Good Samaritan and help any injured victims instead of walking away from the scene. However, our actions may end up causing more harm than good—which often opens us up to civil liability. In these situations, California’s Good Samaritan laws can protect…

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Bakersfield Gas Explosion Case Is Back On Track

Daniel Rodriguez and Chantal A. Trujillo of Rodriguez & Associates are co-representing Bakersfield, California neighbors injured by the Wildwood gas explosion. In November 2015 the California almond farm, Wildwood, triggered a fire and explosion after rupturing an underground gas line while the farm was being excavated in preparation for planting almond trees, causing personal…

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What Are the Consequences for Driving Without Insurance?

California is a fault insurance state that requires drivers who are responsible for car accidents to pay for their victims’ damages. To uphold this financial responsibility and comply with state law, you must carry certain amounts of car insurance. However, not all drivers comply with this requirement—but failure to do so can lead to…

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What Are Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcyclists face many dangers on California roads. Any accident between a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle can result in devastating injuries with long-term complications. While safe driving practices can help motorcyclists avoid preventable collisions, these accidents can occur for several reasons, including poor weather, dangerous road conditions, and negligent driver behavior. Unsafe Lane Changes…

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Who Is Liable for an Injury Caused by a Defective Product?

When we purchase a product, we trust that the manufacturer, retailer, and distributor have ensured that it is safe to use. If there are any potential dangers when using the product, the manufacturer must provide proper warnings and instructions. Unfortunately, defective products can reach consumers—leading to serious injuries. If you’ve been injured by a…

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Questions to Ask a Car Accident Witness

California follows a fault-based system when it comes to car accidents. This means that drivers who cause accidents are financially responsible for their victims’ damages. If you sustain injuries in a California car crash, you may be able to file an insurance claim or lawsuit against the at-fault driver. To prove your right to…

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Who Is Liable for a Civilian’s Injury on a Construction Site?

Construction sites can be very dangerous places. Civilians who visit these locations can encounter falling debris, heavy machinery, and many other unsafe situations. Although safety equipment and regulations are in place to prevent accidents, negligence on behalf of a site owner, subcontractor, or employee could lead to serious injuries. If a civilian suffers an…

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Can a Passenger Be Charged for Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving, or any activity that removes a driver’s attention from the act of driving, is a very dangerous practice. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2,841 people died due to distracted driving in 2018 alone. When we think of distracted driving, we often assume the driver bears sole responsibility for…

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Who Is Liable for Injuries Caused by a Defective Product?

Suffering a defective product injury can be painful and confusing. Liability in product injury lawsuits can be complex, and you may not know who you can hold accountable for your injuries. Oftentimes, these cases involve multiple entities. You can file a product liability lawsuit against any entity along the chain of distribution, depending on…

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